
In the vast reaches of the universe, where danger and excitement converge, lies the enigmatic organization known as Double Zero. As a brave and ambitious member, you have climbed the ranks and now seek to achieve the prestigious title of Mayor. This rank carries great responsibility and recognition within the organization, and only the most outstanding individuals can aspire to it.

Your journey towards greatness begins when a vacancy for the position of Mayor arises. The Captain will then present their chosen “valido,” the individual in whom they place their utmost trust, to the other Captains. A voting process will take place, with each Captain having equal voting power, except for the candidate’s Captain, who holds a double vote.

Dare to face this challenge and prove your worth to your fellow members. Conquering the title of Mayor is an honor reserved for those who have demonstrated their skill, leadership, and dedication within the organization. Prepare to carve your name into the history of Double Zero and guide your comrades towards a future filled with success and intergalactic glory!

How to become an Mayor:

  1. Be a boatswain.
  2. Exclusive commitment to the organization (Regular bearer of the DZ Hashtag in the game).
  3. Minimum 200 DZ EXP points (Below this rank the user will lose rank and will be demoted to bosun and will not be able to apply until 90 days following the demotion.).
  4. Voting between Captains (YES or NO) on the candidate’s candidacy.

Ready to start your journey?

If there is nothing in a chest, the chest doesn’t mean anything

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