Sawbones Officer

Undisputed leader of the crew during daring raids, always on the front lines to help and lead fiercely. However, his reputation transcends the boundaries of morality, being known for his ruthless lack of scruples and his unwavering willingness to risk lives in pursuit of his goals. This Machiavellian pirate, called “The Lord of the Abyss”, masters the dark art of manipulating the medical needs of the population to obtain power and inordinate wealth. Skilled in taking advantage of the scarcity of vital medicines and controlling access to specific treatments, he plays with people’s lives and hopes as if they were pawns on a strategy board, all in search of his own benefit and absolute dominance. Such is his cunning that he has woven a web of sinister influences on the black market, becoming a feared and revered figure in the underworld alike. As his empire grows, his thirst for power intensifies, challenging the limits of morality and making him a true lord of darkness in the turbulent seas of piracy.

1 Step

  • Level 50 of experience in the guild.

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